Date : 29
APRIL 2013
To study the diffusion coefficient of crystal violet
and bromothymol blue.
Fick's first law suggests that the rate of diffusion in a given direction
across and exchange surface are directly proportional to the concentration
gradient- the steeper the concentration gradient, the faster the rate of
diffusion, directly proportional to the surface area- the greater the surface
area of a membrane through which diffusion is taking place, the faster the rate
of diffusion this is one of the factors which limits cell size and inversely
proportional to the distance- the rate of diffusion decreases rapidly with
distance. Diffusion is thus effective only over short distances.
Diffusion is a process
leading to equalization of substance concentrations in a system or establishing
in a system an equilibrium concentration distribution that results from random
migration of the system's elements. Diffusion,
which is the spontaneous movement of solutes from an area of high concentration to an area of
low concentration can be explained by Fick's law which states that the flux of material
(amount dm in time dt) across a given plane (area A) is proportional to the concentration gradient dc/dx.
dm = -DA ---- dt ----------------------- (i)
D is the diffusion coefficient or diffusivity for
the solute, in unit m2s-1
If a solution containing neutral particles with the
concentration M0,
is placed within a cylindrical
tube next to a water column, diffusion can be stated as
M = M0 exp (-x2/4Dt) ----------------------------- (ii)
where M is the
concentration at distance x from the intersection between water and solution
that is measured at time t.
By changing equation (ii) to its logarithmic form,
we get
M =1n M0 - x2 /4Dt
or 2.303
x 4D (log10 M0 – log10
M) t= x2 ------------------- (iii)
Thus a plot of x2 against
t can produce a straight line that passes through the origin with the slope 2.303 x 4D (log10 M0
– log10 M). From here D can be calculated.
If the particles in the solution are assumed to be
spherical, their size and molecular weight
can be calculated by the Stokes-Einstein equation.
= kT/6πηa
where k is the Boltzmann constant 1.38 x 1023
Jk-1, T temperature in Kelvin, π the viscosity of the solvent in Nm-2s and a
the radius of particle in M. The volume of a spherical particle is 4/3 πa3, thus its weight M is equivalent to
4/3 πa3Nρ (ρ =
It is known that molecular
weight M=mN (N is Avogadro’s number 6.023 x 1023
∴ M = 4/3 πa3Nρ ------------------ (v)
for charged particles, equation (iii) needs to be modified to include potential
gradient effect that exists between the solution and
solvent. However, this can be overcome by
adding a little sodium chloride into the solvent to prevent the formation of this
potential gradient.
14 test tubes 500ml
Test tube rack electronic
Dropper measuring
Glass rod hot
plate and stirrer
Weighing boat conical
1:200 crystal violet solution 1:200
bromothymol blue solution
1:400 crystal violet solution 1:400
bromothymol blue solution
1:600 crystal violet solution 1:600
bromothymol blue solution
1:500 000 crystal violet solution 1: 500 000 bromothymol blue solution
Jelly powders ringer’s
Water bath
the preparation of agar solution, 7.0g of jelly powder and 425mL of Ringer’s
solution were measured and mixed in a beaker. Then, the agar solution was
heated using hot plate and was stirred until homogenus and clear solution
formed. The hot agar was divided into six test tubes and allowed to cool at
room temperature. Agar was prepared in another test tube that has already been
added with 1:500,000 crystal violet that was used as the standard to measure the colour distance resulting from
the crystal violet diffusion. Next, solutions of crystal violet was prepared in
distilled water in the concentrations 1:200, 1:400 and 1:600. 5ml of each
crystal violet solution was placed on the gels that was prepared. The test
tubes were closed to prevent evaporation and stored at temperature 28⁰C
and 37⁰C.
These steps were repeated using bromothymol blue. The distance between the
interface of the gel solution with the end of the crystal violet and bromothymol
blue area were measured accurately everyday for two weeks as the value is x in
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